28 Day Marriage Challenge

Invest in your marriage! We have put together a list of 28 things you can do to invest in your marriage.
happy couple eating breakfast together

Invest In Your Marriage

You may consider your marriage extremely healthy or you might think it is on the rocks. No matter where you are, I think you would agree that you can always invest in your marriage. We have put together a list of 28 things you can do to invest in your marriage. Take the challenge, and follow through with each of these items. We all want to continue to thrive in our marriages.

Take The Challenge!

Print the 28 Day Marriage Challenge and check off the activities as you complete them!

  1. Commit to praying with your spouse for the next 28 days. Start today.

  2. Write your spouse a note and leave it on their nightstand or stick it to the bathroom mirror.

  3. Talk to your spouse and schedule a date night for the month. If your family needs childcare take care of that and book reservations. On a tight budget, get creative with your date night.

  4. Over the next 4 weeks set aside one time-slot each week to talk. Spend time asking each other the following questions: 
    • What brought you joy this week?
    • What was hard for you this week?
    • How can I pray for you?
      *Questions are from The Marriage Journal

  5. Rub your spouse’s feet or give them a neck and shoulder massage. Care for their physical needs.

  6. Share with your spouse something you have seen them do lately that you are thankful for.

  7. If you have something that is separating you from your spouse, confess it and discuss how to maintain openness in your relationship. If your communication is great, thank your spouse for their open and honest communication.

  8. Record a short video of yourself and surprise your spouse with it.

  9. Pick up flowers, chocolates, or your spouse’s favorite candy bar for them.

  10. Be EXTRA intentional with your words — encourage your spouse about what you love about their character.

  11. Make your spouse’s favorite meal.

  12. Do you know your spouse’s love language? If so, do one thing: show them love in their language of love. If not, take a love language test with your spouse.

  13. Ask your spouse how you can pray for them.

  14. Surprise your spouse at work with a coffee or favorite drink.

  15. Schedule physical intimacy and surprise your spouse with affection.

  16. Text your spouse sweet messages throughout the day.

  17. Cuddle up with your spouse and watch a favorite tv show or movie.

  18. Ask your spouse how you can better meet their needs.

  19. Schedule a date night for next month.

  20. Do something around the home to serve your spouse unexpectedly.

  21. Have coffee or tea with your spouse and dream about the future.

  22. Reminisce about your first date and your proposal.

  23. Cook breakfast for your spouse.

  24. Read a chapter of the Bible with your spouse and talk about it.

  25. Serve a neighbor, your kids, a friend, or a coworker with your spouse.

  26. Have a surprise ready for your spouse when they get off work.

  27. Ask your spouse what is one thing they think you could do to invest in your marriage over the next year.

  28. Plan out specific ways to serve and care for your spouse next month.


  • Note: Some actions may require you to prepare the day before and you may need to adjust the order based on your schedule. Have fun and be creative!

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