Are You Built Different?

Learn from Zach Clinton how to build emotional and spiritual resilience and achieve a more meaningful relationship with God.

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About The Podcast

As a doctoral candidate in counselor education and vice president of the American Association of Christian Counselors, Zach Clinton has seen up close our society’s epidemic of depression, loneliness, and hopelessness. In this week’s podcast, he talks with Redeemed founder Paul Amos about ways men can combat that epidemic, build emotional and spiritual resilience, and overcome the things standing in the way of a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. Resilience, he says, can be summed up with the two words that form the title of his new book, Even If: Even if the world bombards us with challenges, pressures, and temptations, by staying true to our faith, family, friends, and principles we can achieve courageous and fulfilling lives.

Show Notes

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0:00—Intro/”lightning round”

4:29—Zach’s faith journey

8:01—How Zach found his career calling in counseling

12:28—The ideas behind Zach’s book Even If

18:36—How we can help the younger generation—and ourselves—become more resilient

24:41—What does redemption mean to you?

27:09—The Built Different Initiative and Ignite men’s weekend

34:04—A counselor’s perspective on healing the divisions in our nation and our world

37:08—The “four Ps” standing between men and a deeper relationship with God

45:05—Some parting words of advice, and hope

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