God Knows Your Sin and Calls You By Your Name

Discover redemption and resilience in the face of life's battles. Join Eric Brew as he shares his journey on The Redeemed Man Podcast.

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About The Podcast

Veterans transitioning out of lengthy military careers find themselves particularly vulnerable to a variety of life struggles, including depression, addiction, and suicide. Eric Brew knows this firsthand—when his 25-year military career ended right as he was going through a second divorce, he came close to taking his own life. But with God’s help, he found his way back from the abyss, and today, as the Georgia head of the Warriors Set Free ministry, he’s helping other struggling vets do the same. This week Eric has a frank and enlightening conversation about his own struggles and how they guide his ministry work, as well as the challenges of parenthood, what he’s learned from his military service, and the need to understand the “voice and character” of the Lord.

Show Notes


0:00—Intro/”lightning round”

4:09—Eric’s life struggles—military service, divorces, and near-suicide attempt

11:56—Why are military veterans so susceptible to depression, homelessness, and suicide?

17:50—What does redemption mean to you?

21:19—An important lesson from a 25-year military career

24:07—About Warriors Set Free

36:00—The immense challenges of parenthood

43:17—Eric’s message for the holiday season/outro

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