Mid-Year Evaluation Tool

Mid-Year Evaluation Tool: Assess your progress, strengths, and growth areas with this downloadable tool to finish the year strong.

As we reach the midpoint of the year, let’s use this evaluation to measure our progress in various aspects of life. This tool is designed to help you reflect on your progress, identify areas of strength, and recognize opportunities for growth. It’s an opportunity to correct any areas where you might be off track and to finish the year strong.

Living Out Our Faith

Reflect on James 1:22-24:

James 1:22-24: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.”

This passage reminds us of the importance of hearing God’s word and actively living it out in our daily lives. As you go through this evaluation, consider how you can align your actions with your faith, ensuring that you are not merely a listener but a doer of the word.

Action Plan

Review each area below and write down a letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F) based on your current health in that particular area.

  • Faith: My relationship with God ____
  • Marriage: My relationship with my spouse ____
  • Family: My relationship with my family ____
  • Work: My job/school ____
  • Digital: My time spent on my devices ____
  • Ministry: My purpose in life ____
  • Financial: My earning, spending, saving, and giving ____
  • Social: My time with friends/others ____
  • Attitude: My approach to life ____
  • Creative: My dreams and plans for the future ____
  • Mental: My mind and my thoughts ____
  • Physical: My body ____

Reflection and Thanksgiving

  1. Gratitude
    • Write down the areas you are happy with and thank God for what He has done in those areas of your life.
    • Example:
      1. Faith: A
      2. Family: B+
      3. Physical: A-
    • Prayer of Thanks: “Lord, I thank You for Your guidance and blessings in these areas of my life. I am grateful for the growth and strength You have provided. Help me to continue to honor You in these areas. Amen.”
  1. Improvement
    • Now, write down the areas that are not where you would like them to be.
    • Example:
      1. Work: C
      2. Digital: D
      3. Financial: C-
    • Action Plan: Identify specific actions you can take to improve these areas. Consider setting small, achievable goals and seeking support from your small group or accountability partners.
      1. Work: Improve time management by setting daily priorities and avoiding distractions.
      2. Digital: Limit screen time by scheduling specific periods for device use.
      3. Financial: Create a budget to track spending and start a savings plan.

Moving Forward

Use this evaluation tool to set goals for the remainder of the year. Commit to making small, consistent changes that align with your values and faith. Regularly revisit this tool to track your progress and make adjustments as needed. Remember, growth is a continuous journey; with God’s help, you can finish the year strong.

Connect with The Redeemed Community

If you’re inspired to explore the transformative power of spiritual freedom and would like to journey alongside like-minded believers, consider joining one of The Redeemed’s small groups. Whether you prefer meeting in person or connecting online, our community is here to support and grow with you. Join us and discover how surrendering together can lead us into greater freedom.


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