Lessons in Leadership: Insights from Paul and Nate

Paul & Nate introduce the topic of leadership by discussing what they’ve learned—not just as leaders of companies, but as leaders of families.

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About The Podcast

The theme for the month of October at The Redeemed is leadership, and in this podcast Paul Amos and Nate Dewberry introduce the topic by talking about what they’ve learned—not just as leaders of companies or organizations, but as leaders of families. Among those lessons: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but don’t let those mistakes define your identity, either; don’t just assume that the “view from the top” is the right one; and always value people for who they are, not just what they can do for you. The last one is particularly important to being a good leader as a father, for as Paul says, if you can’t demonstrate love to other people, they’ll figure it out pretty quickly.

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