Being Whole is Being Healed

The end of Steve Watson’s football career marked the beginning of a search for identity and meaning. This week, Steve shares about finding identity in Jesus, the strength in vulnerability, and staying true to yourself in today’s dating scene.

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About The Podcast

Steve Watson played many positions for the Michigan Wolverines and even broke into the NFL. But when his football career ended, Steve found himself without identity or direction. As he learned to listen for God’s voice, Steve found a new calling through the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, inspiring other young men. Steve talks this week about finding identity in Jesus, the strength in vulnerability, and staying true to yourself in today’s dating scene.

Show Notes


0:00 — Intro/What does redemption mean to you?

2:08 — Steve’s spiritual background and search for meaning after football

14:41 — The end of an unfulfilling post-football career leads to something greater

29:30 — The silver linings to a year of unemployment and frustration

42:33 — When we’re honest with God, He empathizes with us

51:45 — What Steve has gained from building relationships with caring people

61:30 — Healthy habits and “guardrails” to use in the dating world

68:07 — Lessons in faith and forgiveness from the story of Joseph

  1. In offering his own personal views on redemption, Steve says that redemption means “being set free.” What’s the one thing in your life right now you most want to be free from? What methods have you tried to break free of it?
  2. Steve describes his post-football career as turning into a “Groundhog Day” of working, coming home, drinking, partying on the weekend, and then starting the whole cycle over again with a new work week. Has your life ever fallen into a predictable, unfulfilling pattern like that? What did your “Groundhog Days” consist of, and how did you eventually break out of the cycle—or are you still stuck in one?
  3. Steve tells the story of being let go by a boss who felt he was meant for something better in life. Have you ever been “fired”—from a job, an organization, a team, or even a relationship—that you now recognize was unhealthy or toxic? Were you angry in the moment of your “firing,” and how did you come to realize you were actually better off away from that toxic environment?
  4. Can you recall a time in your life when you heard God speaking to you, calling you to a certain mission or pointing you in a certain direction? If so, were you reluctant to answer that call at first, and how did you eventually muster the courage or wherewithal to do so? If not, talk about your difficulties in hearing God’s voice or understanding His direction for you. Are there any spiritual role models in your life who could help you understand things better?
  5. How were God and Jesus portrayed to you when you were growing up? Were They described as loving, empathetic figures, or were they fearsome, angry figures whose punishment you were taught to constantly fear? If it’s the latter, has that made it difficult for you as an adult to believe it when people such as Steve and Nate describe God or Jesus as forgiving and kind?
  6. Of all the men you know, who’s the one with whom you feel most comfortable being vulnerable? What are the characteristics or personality traits of that person that have convinced you they are trustworthy and well-meaning? Have you tried to emulate those traits in your interactions with others?
  7. If you could go back in time and give your 17-year-old self one important piece of advice about dating and romantic relationships, what would it be?
  8. Have there been any times in your life when, looking back, you realized you really weren’t in the right place mentally or spiritually for a romantic relationship? During those periods, did you enter the dating world anyway despite your doubts, and if so, why do you think you felt compelled to do that? Conversely, have there ever been any times when you made a deliberate decision not to date? Why did you make that decision, and how do you think it helped you in the long run?

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