God’s Guidance for the Challenges of Fatherhood

Nate Dewberry talks about lessons the Bible teaches us about the challenges of fatherhood and how we can apply them in our own lives.

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About The Podcast

Fatherhood is full of challenges, pitfalls, and opportunities to make mistakes. In the Bible, though, God has given us all kinds of instructions on how to overcome them. Wrapping up this month’s theme of fatherhood, in this podcast Nate Dewberry talks about those lessons and how we can apply them in our own lives as fathers. One of the best things we can do, he says, is to emulate toward our children the kind of father God wants to be toward us—relational, approachable, and above all, forgiving.

Show Notes




1:12—Nate’s background and divorce

4:43—Challenges for fathers—being too harsh or too disengaged

9:04—Being a good son

14:26—Being understanding and forgiving

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