Faithful in the Little Things

After a challenging year, a pastor suggested Adam Churchwell get involved at Crossroads. Adam talks about how it’s altered his perspective on serving the Lord, parenting, and the importance of nurturing friendships.

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After a challenging year of family crises, a career setback, and other major life changes, a pastor suggested Adam Churchwell get involved at Crossroads, the inpatient addiction recovery program of Valley Rescue Mission in Columbus, Georgia. Adam talks this week about the ups and downs of working with men in recovery and how it’s altered his perspective on everything including serving the Lord, parenting, and the importance of nurturing friendships.

Show Notes

Additional Resources

Valley Rescue Mission

Crossroads Website


0:00 – Intro/Adam’s spiritual background

4:00 – How Adam and his wife endured a trying year

7:47 – Adam’s work at an addiction recovery program

22:53 – Trusting God to help program participants follow the right path

27:47 – What Adam and his wife have learned from 29 years of marriage

33:47 – The challenges of caring for an elderly parent or relative

37:09 – The importance of having men in your life whom you trust

39:47 – Some scripture that Adam’s been focusing on lately

  1. Reflecting on Adam’s account of the very difficult 2023 he and his family had to endure, have you ever experienced a year like that, in which you felt like you were being dealt one disappointment or crisis after another? What was your relationship with God like during that time? What did you find yourself praying for most often? In your view, how were you able to persevere through those troubles, and did you eventually find hope or reassurance on the other side? Romans 8:28
  2. Adam admits to being a little intimidated by the prospect of a career in addiction recovery, but now says he’s grateful to have found his life’s purpose. Have you ever had an experience like that, in which you welcomed something into your life that was intimidating or unexpected but you later found a great sense of purpose in? How did you build the courage or confidence to rise to that calling? How would your life be different today if you had declined that opportunity? Isaiah 41:10
  3. According to Adam, one of the biggest differences between people who are successful in recovery and those who relapse is that the successful people allow God to replace the wants of their addiction with healthier desires and goals. Have you ever been (or are you now) in recovery from a substance addiction, and if so, how were you able to stay “clean”? What, if anything, did you allow God to replace your addictive desires with? Jeremiah 29:13, Proverbs 29:18
  4. Adam says that “sometimes we’re so busy we don’t like quiet.” How much of your day do you spend away from a device with a screen? Do you set aside any time in a typical day specifically to disconnect from a screen and be free of electronic distractions? If so, what do you do with that time instead? Psalm 46:10, Psalm 37:7
  5. Discuss the meaning of Luke 16:10: “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.” What are some of the “little things” in life in which you’ve tried to maintain an emphasis on following God, even though it’s a relatively minor responsibility? Why has it been important for you to do so? Luke 16:10
  6. Adam makes a point of mentioning that he and his wife Jennifer “do like each other.” Have you ever been in a relationship where you loved the other person—or thought you did—but found that you didn’t like spending time with them? In hindsight, what did that say about the healthiness or strength of that relationship? On the other hand, when you reflect on the truly loving or fulfilling relationships you’ve had, what are some common threads that run through them? John 15:12-13

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