God Has a New Story for You

Abandoned by his father and sexually abused as a pre-teen, Jim Miner’s life was one of brokenness, infidelity, and hopelessness.

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About The Podcast

Abandoned by his father and sexually abused as a pre-teen, Jim Miner’s life was one of brokenness, infidelity, and hopelessness. “All I wanted to do,” he remembers of hitting rock bottom, was to “die in the darkest, dankest, stinkiest, ugliest corner of a back alley off of Bourbon Street.” It was the grace of God, he says, that taught him how to let go—of his sexual obsessions and his long-simmering resentments, both of which were eating him up inside. Now this once hopeless individual is leading men’s small groups, both in person at his church in Iowa and online with The Redeemed. Jim bravely shares his story with Nate Dewberry and our listeners this week, offering life lessons, reassurance, and many kind words for the men he leads in his groups—men whom he calls, with tears in his eyes, his “heroes.”

Show Notes

Additional Resources

On the Anvil: Stories on Being Shaped into God’s Image by Max Lucado


0:00—Intro/Jim’s ministry, The Forge

3:42—How Jim found The Redeemed and began healing some old wounds

12:08—Jim digs deeper into the pain form his past and how he broke free from it

25:28—The story of the prodigal son and how it relates to our own struggles

32:24—Jim talks about his rewarding experiences with The Redeemed’s small groups

48:16—What it feels like to witness “aha moments” as a group leader

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