Openness and Authenticity Is the Only Way

In this week's episode, singer/songwriter Kristian Stanfill shares his journey of sobriety, redemption, and the message of grace and freedom.

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About The Podcast

Singer/songwriter Kristian Stanfill has been leading worship services ever since he was 15 years old; unfortunately, he had a drinking problem for nearly that long. He’d managed to mask it reasonably well for years, “talking around” his struggles rather than admitting to them directly. But it all came to a head in November 2020, when his wife and two best friends finally confronted him and he found himself on the verge of losing “every good thing that God has given to me.” Over the course of his recovery and sobriety, though, Kristian says he’s learned a lot about redemption, grace, and the true nature of the freedom God offers us. He’s also learned a lot about the importance of being open and honest—with God, our loved ones, and ourselves. Kristian says he’s found incredible fulfillment in sharing that message with others, and he shares it with Nate Dewberry and The Redeemed Man audience in this week’s podcast.

Show Notes


0:00—Intro/Kristian talks about his alcoholism and recovery

7:31—Kristian’s perspective on God’s redemption and grace

12:41—Understanding the true nature of God’s freedom

16:09—The difference Kristian’s wife and family have made in his life and recovery

22:59—What prompted Kristian to finally be fully truthful about his addiction

30:58—Maintaining a willingness to be open, vulnerable, and authentic

35:47—Recognizing toxic, self-defeating thoughts and overcoming them

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