The Redeemed invites you to Renewed, a powerful weekend retreat focused on recharging your faith and refueling your passion for Christ. 

October 25-27, 2024

Village Creek Bible Camp, Lansing, IA


March 15-16, 2024
6:00 pm - 10:30 am


Camp David RV Resort
3701 S Lumpkin Rd,
Columbus, GA 31903


Men 18+
Bring your own tent & gear
Dinner, Games, Campfire, Breakfast

Renewed Men’s

The Redeemed is partnering with RebrandednChrist to bring this retreat to the NE Iowa region. 

It’s Time to get away from the stresses of life and connect with other men as we spend time in the NE Iowa outdoors, building lasting friendships and RENEWing our faith in Christ. 

Join fellow brothers for a time of:

  • Inspiring Worship: Center your life on Christ through heartfelt praise and worship. 
  • Transformative Teaching: Dive into God’s Word and gain practical tools for spiritual growth. 
  • Authentic Brotherhood: Build meaningful friendships and find support in a community of believers. 
  • Rest and Reflection: Enjoy time to disconnect from the world and slow down. 

Inspired Weekend

RENEWED Men’s Retreat is a supportive environment for men to connect, hear biblical teaching, and discover the power of authenticity, leaving transformed. 

Leave feeling recharged, refreshed, and ready to take your walk with Christ to new heights. 


October 25-27, 2024


Village Creek Bible Camp
Lansing, IA

Registration Fee


Connections Begin

 Let this retreat be your catalyst for a life of renewed purpose and unwavering faith. 

This weekend will include camp-style shared rooms for lodging. All meals from Friday evening through lunch on Sunday are provided. 

Also included in your registration is participation in a 6-week online follow-up group to help reinforce the weekend experience. 

Renewed Schedule


4:00 pm-6:00 pm Registration
6:00 pm Welcome & Dinner
Evening Session – I Am Valuable

*Late arrival is available. Please let us know when you expect to arrive. 


Morning Session/Free Time 
Afternoon Session/Free Time 
Evening Session – I Am Free
Free Time 


Morning Session – I Am Chosen
1:30 pm Pack up & Head Home 

*The schedule is tentative and subject to changes. 

Please contact Village Creek Bible Camp at (888) 231-7320 directly to communicate any specific food needs or dietary restrictions.

Your Retreat Free Time

  • Corn Hole 
  • Trail Riding 
  • Fishing 
  • Gun Range 
  • Trapshooting 

*Trapshooting and trail riding require additional fees, which can be paid for on-site. 

Getting Ready for Renewed

What to Bring

Please bring toiletries, a water bottle, comfortable warm clothing, closed-toed shoes. Participants must also bring their bedding–either a sleeping bag or twin-sized sheets, blanket, pillow, and towels. 

Cancellation Policy

 No refunds will be given in the last four weeks. If you cancel before the four-week deadline, your registration fee (minus credit card fees) will be refunded. 

How Can You Help?

We invite you to share this exciting event with the men in your church or your men’s ministry leader. The button below includes a media package of posters and social media squares for you to print and post if you choose. Your encouragement could be the catalyst for someone to experience a life-changing weekend. 

Event Registration

Please register by Nov 3rd so we can effectively plan for food.

Meet Your Leaders

Nathan Dewberry was appointed Director at The Redeemed in 2022, bringing extensive experience as a student, associate, and administrative pastor, as well as several semesters of seminary training. A native of Lineville, Alabama, Nate moved to Columbus, Georgia when his wife, an Army veteran, was transferred to Fort Moore. He worked for several months at Global Teen Challenge, a network of faith-based organizations providing addiction rehabilitation services before joining The Redeemed team. Nathan is the father of a son and two daughters, and he, too, is open about his life struggles, including a difficult divorce; he looks forward to using what he learned from those experiences to help men in crisis. Contact Nate.

Jim Miner and his wife, Cristee, are empty-nesters living on a family farm in Northeast Iowa. Together, they run ReBrandednChrist, a Christian business dedicated to providing inspirational products that emphasize our identity in Christ. As the leader of The Forge Men’s Ministry at his church, Jim is deeply committed to teaching and sharing God’s Word. He is also a budding author, currently working on a devotional book focused on our Identity in Christ. Since February 2023, Jim has been actively involved in various online groups with The Redeemed, where he continues to encourage others in their spiritual journey. Contact Jim.

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