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3 Questions to Connect

Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with loved ones, whether you’re recounting old memories or making new ones. Each member of our faith family has a unique story to tell. Here are three questions to help you and your loved ones connect over God’s faithfulness throughout this year.

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Thanking Our Faith Family

Faith family was an essential part of Paul’s mission work. In the beginning of several letters, he thanks God for the believers in the local church—and even names a few key people. Let’s take time to be like Paul and thank God for how He has blessed us through those special people.

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Decoding Anger

Anger tells us to deal with the world in absolutes and to act immediately. However, taking the time to understand our anger—and what else might be going on in our hearts—gives us the opportunity to admit our shortcomings and draw closer to God.

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In black and white, two hands reach out, a gesture of offered help.

How Godly Men Deal with Anger

We can all think of some moment when we lost our temper and hurt someone we love. Thankfully, there is no new emotion under the sun, and the Bible has some wise advice for what to do with anger.

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