Values to Last a Lifetime—Yours and Your Kids

Billy Blanchard joins The Redeemed to discuss the values he inherited from his parents and the values he’s trying to instill in his own kids.

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About The Podcast

Billy Blanchard inherited a proud legacy indeed—that of his father James Blanchard, the Georgia business icon who led Synovus Financial Corporation through an era of rapid growth and created a forum at Columbus State University to promote the principles of servant leadership. But that still left Billy with the question of how to pass that legacy on to his own children—and what kind of a new legacy to create for himself. In this podcast, Billy talks with Paul Amos about the values he inherited from his parents and the values he’s trying to instill in his kids in an often difficult and unforgiving world.


Show Notes


0:00—Intro/”lightning round”/what does redemption mean to you?

3:29—Billy’s background and family

8:48—How Billy’s dad lead his family and his company

11:21—the decision to leave Synovus and forge a new path

17:15—building his own legacy, and the people who have influenced him in the process

25:14—looking ahead to grandparenthood and beyond

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