The Enduring Legacy of Larcus Dewberry

A Family Testimony, written by Lamar Dewberry
Dewberry Family Generations photo - family legacy concept
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children…
Proverbs 13:22

Influencing Generations

This was Larcus Benjamin Dewberry.

How we live influences the generations that follow us. Often, we don’t think of this as we live our daily lives. I am a blessed man! I don’t know any man that has ever had the opportunity that I had—I could have a conversation with my grandson and at the same time talk to my grandfather. There were five generations of Dewberry men for seven years until my grandfather passed away, just a few days away from turning 96.

What a legacy he left for us here on earth, both in everyday living and, most of all, his spiritual life. Here today, nine years later, we are continuing to share with others about his life.

Larcus Dewberry

The Bond of Family Legacy

This week I was working on my ’66 Ford F-100 pickup that I am restoring and thinking of him. I was sanding and doing mechanical work on the old truck, thinking of when he helped me do the same thing on a ’67 Ford Fairlane, my first vehicle, when I was 15. I am painting this truck the same color we painted the car 50 years ago.

I am so thankful and blessed to have lived close to him! He taught me so much:

  • Don’t be wasteful.
  • If someone else can do it, you probably can too.
  • Homegrown food is the best.
  • Respect nature and wildlife, but remember God put it here for man.
  • Be a man of your word.
  • There is always a reward for hard work.

I was raised in the church he and my grandmother always attended. He was the humblest man I ever knew. I never heard him say anything ugly or downgrading of anyone. He believed in his children and grandchildren. He loved his wife. I was in the hospital room when she went to be with Jesus, and I saw him bend over and kiss her for the last time here on earth. While he continued to live, he always looked forward to the time when he would join her again.

They married at 17. He only had a ninth grade education, because when he finished the ninth grade his dad told him to quit school and get a job. His first job was at a sawmill on a creek making fifty cents an hour; he could have been an engineer if he’d had the opportunity. He could design and make anything. When his second child was born at home, and she began to hemorrhage from the umbilical cord, he grabbed some sewing thread, tied the thread around the cord, and stopped the bleeding, saving his daughter’s life.

All of this is an example of what kind of worldly man he was. Spiritually, who was he?

Unraveling the Tapestry of Faith and Worldly Identity

He enjoyed trapping, but it was to help provide more income to support his family above his other job, working at a factory. He told us about talking to God when he was in the woods, just him and God. One day he had submitted some of his furs to Sears, Roebuck and Company, doing his best to prepare them, hoping to win recognition—and prize money—for having the best furs. He didn’t win, but he said it was the best he could do. A month later, he sold furs again just like he normally would, but this time, to his surprise, he won for having the best prepared furs. He said he didn’t do anything differently, but this time God did it.

Along with the financial reward, he received a special invitation to be recognized at Sears. The company sent someone 30 miles to pick him up for the program and then bring him back home afterward because he didn’t have a vehicle reliable enough to travel that distance. You might think the prize money really helped him, and it did—he used all the money he received to buy furniture for the small country church where he was a deacon and church leader. He saw the big picture. He knew there was more to this life than self.

Leaving a Family Legacy

You talk about leaving a legacy—every time I heard him pray, he always prayed for his children, his children’s children, and their children.

As he looks down from heaven today, I know he is rejoicing. Just over a month ago I saw my last grandchild accept Christ and be baptized. He was the last great-great-grandchild my grandfather got to see and hold here on earth before his trip to be with Jesus.

Wow, what a legacy he left behind!

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Share Your Family's Spiritual Legacy

Our family spiritual legacies hold immense power to shape and influence our lives, bestowing us with the wisdom, resilience, and love that have been passed down through generations. These rich tapestries of faith and connection are worth cherishing and sharing, as they remind us of our interconnectedness and the sacredness of family bonds.

We invite you to share your own family spiritual legacy with us. By sharing our stories, we can create a beautiful mosaic that celebrates the diversity of spiritual journeys and nurtures a community rooted in faith, love, and unity.

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