Life Application

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hand of a man playing chess, comparison among men

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

As a christian male, do you struggle with comparing yourself to others? You are not alone. Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t let others steal your joy. Find out what to look for and what you can do.

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Jay Cookingham webinar

Freedom Restored

Jay Cookingham, founder of Strategic Fathering Ministries, encourages men to embrace God’s call to aid and mentor people in need.

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birds flying at sunrise


God has given us free will, but how do we find true freedom? Scripture gives us that answer. Read this to study the biblical path to freedom.

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Friends enjoying party with bbq and alcohol

How to Avoid Summer Sins

Where the sun goes, alcohol tends to follow. If you wish to resist alcohol this summer we must prepare our minds and bodies to resist the temptation.

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