I don’t know about you, but I sure am hopeful that 2021 is a very different year from 2020. While 2020 caused me to grow a tremendous amount from a personal perspective, the year also wore me down…
I don’t know about you, but I sure am hopeful that 2021 is a very different year from 2020. While 2020 caused me to grow a tremendous amount from a personal perspective, the year also wore me down…
Bart Scarborough is the founder of Ancient Way Farm, a west Georgia retreat where ministers and other religious leaders can experience spiritual growth and renewal. Bart joins The Redeemed to discuss practical restorative practices we can implement in our lives.
Learn about the practices of financial freedom and biblical financial reasoning that have guided Richard Illges in his life and are applicable to everyone.
When my marriage collapsed, I felt a lot of things—regret, anger, confusion, worry for the future—but above all, I felt shame.
But God has already told us we’re worthy! The question is, will we believe Him?
Dealing with feelings of shame and guilt can be tricky to overcoming. Here are some things you can do to help put those feelings in the past.
I don’t know about you, but I sure am hopeful that 2021 is a very different year from 2020. While 2020 caused me to grow a tremendous amount from a personal perspective, the year also wore me down…
The concept of servant leadership that has guided Jim Blanchard, former CEO and chair of Synovus Corporation, in his life and career is applicable to people in all industries and all walks of life.
Dr. Gregory Jones, dean of the Duke University Divinity School. Dr, introduces the concept of holy friends and why relationships are so important. We are created for relationships. We really do want to be found, to be redeemed. Christian friends can help us discover an entire new life, free from shame.
Rev. Michael Cusick shares the messy journey his life has taken him on. He opens up about the hiddenness, addiction, shame, and brokenness in his life.
Psalm 107:2
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